Request A Hope Pack
Carrying Hope provides Hope Packs –– backpacks filled with new, age-appropriate essentials and comfort items –– designed to meet the needs of children (ages newborns through teens) for the first 48 hours in a new home. We work directly with CPS, foster care placement agencies, CASA, RTC’s and shelters throughout Texas to distribute our Hope Packs so that they arrive at the doorstep with a child, providing some much-needed hope and comfort in a moment of crisis. If you are a caseworker, agency or advocate in need of Hope Packs for the foster children and families you serve, or if you a foster or kinship caregiver in the Austin, Houston or San Antonio area with a new child(ren) in your home who did not receive a Hope Pack(s) at the time of placement, please fill out the appropriate form below.

Are you a Caregiver or Agency?
Carrying Hope requires that all Hope Pack requests be made at least one week prior to expected pick up date; however, fulfillment may take shorter or longer depending on the urgency of the request, the number of requests we’ve received and the quantity of Hope Packs being requested. Please note: Carrying Hope will contact you with a confirmation email indicating the date and time your request will be fulfilled.